Project Title: Starlight Park - Public Art Installation Proposal
Demo Runtime: 2:16
Tools Used: Unity | Maya | C# | Adobe Photoshop | Premiere
Responsibilities: Concept Development, Design, Layout, Coding
Team: Noel Nuñez | Xinyi Wang
The Story
Starlight Park is a public art installation designed to provide guests with a peaceful space to rejuvenate the mind while creating a safe and memorable experience.
Development and Design
Xinyi and I developed ideas focused on the user experience. We asked a series of questions and built our design around the answers we discovered.
1. What do guests get after the walk?
2. What's the purpose of navigating through the star field?
3. Is it an educational, emotional, spiritual, passive, experience?
The Interactive Prototype
(Requires WebGL activation to play. Click on "Begin Tour")